Custom Circuits
A full body workout that can be effective to gain strength, work your cardiovascular system and help achieve your goals. In addition, a customized segment to work specific goals you have set for yourself. Whether it’s recovering from an injury or working a specific part of the body, a personalized circuit is just what you need to grow. A great way to get in and get out to enjoy your day. No need to be in the studio all day.
Circuits are independently done in the studio and paid in monthly membership form.
Visits are Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9 - 5:30pm. Sign up for the time that works the best for you.
Formats are as follows:
Level 1: Beginner to exercise. Meant to keep you from getting overwhelmed and give you space to learn the exercises and avoid injury. Would be on par of the Forever Young format and has lots of accommodations or ways to make them more difficult.
Level 2: More in line with a LIT (Low Intensity Training) circuit. No jumps or heavy joint work and keeping your heart rate lower while you complete the exercises. A great fit for most people, especially those with an injury or recovering. Accommodations can always be made in either direction, harder or easier.
Level 3: High Intensity with jumps and quick movements with heavier weights. Raising the heart rate more and less rests between sets.